JNTU Kakinada B-Tech 3-2 RT32014 I WATER RESOURCES ENGINEERING –I R13 April 2018 Question Paper

Code No: RT32014
III B. Tech II Semester Regular/Supplementary Examinations, April – 2018
WATER RESOURCES ENGINEERING ?I (Civil Engineering)Time: 3 hours Max. Marks: 70
Note: 1. Question Paper consists of two parts (Part-A and Part-B) 2. Answering the question in Part-A is compulsory
3. Answer any THREE Questions from Part-B
1 a) Explain as to how weather affects precipitation. [3M]
b) Mention the factors responsible for reducing the evaporation process. [4M]
c) Differentiate between total runoff and surface runoff. [4M]
d) List out the objectives of flood mitigation methods. [4M]
e) Enumerate the factors affecting the safe yield and specific yield. [3M]
f) Enlist the advantages and disadvantages of Hydrological numerical models. [4M]
2 a) Discuss briefly the three important methods, which are used for determining the
mean rainfall over a drainage basin.
b) Define the terms: Design storm, applications of Engineering Hydrology, frequency
of rainfall.
3 a) Explain in detail the factors affecting the infiltration capacity. [8M]
b) How do you control the evapotranspiration? Explain in detail along with the
significance of the term Interception.
4 a) Explain the use of unit hydrograph in the construction of flood hydrograph resulting
from two or more periods of rainfall.
b) During a storm event an average depth of 10cm of rain fell over a watershed with a
land use of pasture in good condition and soils from hydrologic soil group C.
Estimate the direct runoff.
5 a) For a date of maximum recorded flood of a river, the mean and standard deviation
are 4500m
/s and 1700m
/s, respectively. Using Gumbel?s extreme value
distribution, estimate the return period of a design flood of 9500m
/s. Assume an
infinite sample size.
b) Derive Muskingum equation and incidentally determine the coefficients there in.
What is the sum of the coefficients?

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Code No: RT32014
III B. Tech II Semester Regular/Supplementary Examinations, April – 2018
WATER RESOURCES ENGINEERING ?I (Civil Engineering)Time: 3 hours Max. Marks: 70
Note: 1. Question Paper consists of two parts (Part-A and Part-B) 2. Answering the question in Part-A is compulsory
3. Answer any THREE Questions from Part-B
1 a) Explain as to how weather affects precipitation. [3M]
b) Mention the factors responsible for reducing the evaporation process. [4M]
c) Differentiate between total runoff and surface runoff. [4M]
d) List out the objectives of flood mitigation methods. [4M]
e) Enumerate the factors affecting the safe yield and specific yield. [3M]
f) Enlist the advantages and disadvantages of Hydrological numerical models. [4M]
2 a) Discuss briefly the three important methods, which are used for determining the
mean rainfall over a drainage basin.
b) Define the terms: Design storm, applications of Engineering Hydrology, frequency
of rainfall.
3 a) Explain in detail the factors affecting the infiltration capacity. [8M]
b) How do you control the evapotranspiration? Explain in detail along with the
significance of the term Interception.
4 a) Explain the use of unit hydrograph in the construction of flood hydrograph resulting
from two or more periods of rainfall.
b) During a storm event an average depth of 10cm of rain fell over a watershed with a
land use of pasture in good condition and soils from hydrologic soil group C.
Estimate the direct runoff.
5 a) For a date of maximum recorded flood of a river, the mean and standard deviation
are 4500m
/s and 1700m
/s, respectively. Using Gumbel?s extreme value
distribution, estimate the return period of a design flood of 9500m
/s. Assume an
infinite sample size.
b) Derive Muskingum equation and incidentally determine the coefficients there in.
What is the sum of the coefficients?

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Code No: RT32014

6 a) A 30 cm well completely penetrates an unconfined aquifer of depth 40 m. After a
long period of pumping at a steady state of 1580 lpm, the drawdown in two
observation wells 25 m and 75 m from the pumping well were found to be 3.5 m and
2.0 m respectively. Determine the transmissibility of the aquifer. What is the
drawdown at the pumping well?
b) Write a short note on the following: (i) storage coefficient and (ii) yield of a open well-recuperation
7 a) Explain various Hydrologic models along with their area of application. [8M]
b) How is the application of Kulandaiswamy model different when compared to
any conceptual model? Explain in detail.


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SET – 1

Code No: RT32014
III B. Tech II Semester Regular/Supplementary Examinations, April – 2018
WATER RESOURCES ENGINEERING ?I (Civil Engineering)Time: 3 hours Max. Marks: 70
Note: 1. Question Paper consists of two parts (Part-A and Part-B) 2. Answering the question in Part-A is compulsory
3. Answer any THREE Questions from Part-B
1 a) Explain as to how weather affects precipitation. [3M]
b) Mention the factors responsible for reducing the evaporation process. [4M]
c) Differentiate between total runoff and surface runoff. [4M]
d) List out the objectives of flood mitigation methods. [4M]
e) Enumerate the factors affecting the safe yield and specific yield. [3M]
f) Enlist the advantages and disadvantages of Hydrological numerical models. [4M]
2 a) Discuss briefly the three important methods, which are used for determining the
mean rainfall over a drainage basin.
b) Define the terms: Design storm, applications of Engineering Hydrology, frequency
of rainfall.
3 a) Explain in detail the factors affecting the infiltration capacity. [8M]
b) How do you control the evapotranspiration? Explain in detail along with the
significance of the term Interception.
4 a) Explain the use of unit hydrograph in the construction of flood hydrograph resulting
from two or more periods of rainfall.
b) During a storm event an average depth of 10cm of rain fell over a watershed with a
land use of pasture in good condition and soils from hydrologic soil group C.
Estimate the direct runoff.
5 a) For a date of maximum recorded flood of a river, the mean and standard deviation
are 4500m
/s and 1700m
/s, respectively. Using Gumbel?s extreme value
distribution, estimate the return period of a design flood of 9500m
/s. Assume an
infinite sample size.
b) Derive Muskingum equation and incidentally determine the coefficients there in.
What is the sum of the coefficients?

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Code No: RT32014

6 a) A 30 cm well completely penetrates an unconfined aquifer of depth 40 m. After a
long period of pumping at a steady state of 1580 lpm, the drawdown in two
observation wells 25 m and 75 m from the pumping well were found to be 3.5 m and
2.0 m respectively. Determine the transmissibility of the aquifer. What is the
drawdown at the pumping well?
b) Write a short note on the following: (i) storage coefficient and (ii) yield of a open well-recuperation
7 a) Explain various Hydrologic models along with their area of application. [8M]
b) How is the application of Kulandaiswamy model different when compared to
any conceptual model? Explain in detail.


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SET – 1

Code No: RT32014
III B. Tech II Semester Regular/Supplementary Examinations, April – 2018
WATER RESOURCES ENGINEERING ?I (Civil Engineering)Time: 3 hours Max. Marks: 70
Note: 1. Question Paper consists of two parts (Part-A and Part-B)2. Answering the question in Part-A is compulsory
3. Answer any THREE Questions from Part-B
1 a) State the importance of hydrologic cycle, with a neat sketch [3M]
b) Define the term: Infiltration capacity and infiltration rate. [4M]
c) Enlist the assumptions made in the analysis of unit Hydrograph. [4M]
d) Discuss the concept of Flood control methods. [3M]
e) Detail the Darcy?s law along with the assumptions. [4M]
f) Enumerate the basic elements adopted in hydrologic simulation models [4M]
2 a) By means of neat sketch, explain in detail about Float and Tipping type automatic
rain gauge.
b) Discuss three important ways in which clouds are formed indicating the type of
precipitation caused by each of them.
3 a) What do you understand by water budget determination of reservoir evaporation?
Explain in brief.
b) Explain in detail the process involved in the measurement of infiltration by single
ring infiltrometer and rainfall simulators
4 a) A watershed of 630 acres has 400 acres in row crop, contoured, good rotation and
230 acres in rotation meadow, contoured, good rotation. All soils are in the
Hydrologic Soil Group B. Find the direct runoff for a rain of 5.1 cm, where the
watershed is in AMC-II condition.
b) The six-hour unit hydrograph of a watershed having a drainage area equal to 490
is as follows. For a storm over the watershed having excess rainfall of 10 cm
for the first six hours and 20 cm for the second six hours, compute the stream flow
hydrograph, assuming a constant base flow of 95 m
Time (hr) 0 6 12 18 24 30 36 42 48
Unit Hydrograph (m
/sec)0 2.8 45.9 105.6 51.8 35.8 24.6 10.5 1.9

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Code No: RT32014
III B. Tech II Semester Regular/Supplementary Examinations, April – 2018
WATER RESOURCES ENGINEERING ?I (Civil Engineering)Time: 3 hours Max. Marks: 70
Note: 1. Question Paper consists of two parts (Part-A and Part-B) 2. Answering the question in Part-A is compulsory
3. Answer any THREE Questions from Part-B
1 a) Explain as to how weather affects precipitation. [3M]
b) Mention the factors responsible for reducing the evaporation process. [4M]
c) Differentiate between total runoff and surface runoff. [4M]
d) List out the objectives of flood mitigation methods. [4M]
e) Enumerate the factors affecting the safe yield and specific yield. [3M]
f) Enlist the advantages and disadvantages of Hydrological numerical models. [4M]
2 a) Discuss briefly the three important methods, which are used for determining the
mean rainfall over a drainage basin.
b) Define the terms: Design storm, applications of Engineering Hydrology, frequency
of rainfall.
3 a) Explain in detail the factors affecting the infiltration capacity. [8M]
b) How do you control the evapotranspiration? Explain in detail along with the
significance of the term Interception.
4 a) Explain the use of unit hydrograph in the construction of flood hydrograph resulting
from two or more periods of rainfall.
b) During a storm event an average depth of 10cm of rain fell over a watershed with a
land use of pasture in good condition and soils from hydrologic soil group C.
Estimate the direct runoff.
5 a) For a date of maximum recorded flood of a river, the mean and standard deviation
are 4500m
/s and 1700m
/s, respectively. Using Gumbel?s extreme value
distribution, estimate the return period of a design flood of 9500m
/s. Assume an
infinite sample size.
b) Derive Muskingum equation and incidentally determine the coefficients there in.
What is the sum of the coefficients?

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Code No: RT32014

6 a) A 30 cm well completely penetrates an unconfined aquifer of depth 40 m. After a
long period of pumping at a steady state of 1580 lpm, the drawdown in two
observation wells 25 m and 75 m from the pumping well were found to be 3.5 m and
2.0 m respectively. Determine the transmissibility of the aquifer. What is the
drawdown at the pumping well?
b) Write a short note on the following: (i) storage coefficient and (ii) yield of a open well-recuperation
7 a) Explain various Hydrologic models along with their area of application. [8M]
b) How is the application of Kulandaiswamy model different when compared to
any conceptual model? Explain in detail.


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SET – 1

Code No: RT32014
III B. Tech II Semester Regular/Supplementary Examinations, April – 2018
WATER RESOURCES ENGINEERING ?I (Civil Engineering)Time: 3 hours Max. Marks: 70
Note: 1. Question Paper consists of two parts (Part-A and Part-B)2. Answering the question in Part-A is compulsory
3. Answer any THREE Questions from Part-B
1 a) State the importance of hydrologic cycle, with a neat sketch [3M]
b) Define the term: Infiltration capacity and infiltration rate. [4M]
c) Enlist the assumptions made in the analysis of unit Hydrograph. [4M]
d) Discuss the concept of Flood control methods. [3M]
e) Detail the Darcy?s law along with the assumptions. [4M]
f) Enumerate the basic elements adopted in hydrologic simulation models [4M]
2 a) By means of neat sketch, explain in detail about Float and Tipping type automatic
rain gauge.
b) Discuss three important ways in which clouds are formed indicating the type of
precipitation caused by each of them.
3 a) What do you understand by water budget determination of reservoir evaporation?
Explain in brief.
b) Explain in detail the process involved in the measurement of infiltration by single
ring infiltrometer and rainfall simulators
4 a) A watershed of 630 acres has 400 acres in row crop, contoured, good rotation and
230 acres in rotation meadow, contoured, good rotation. All soils are in the
Hydrologic Soil Group B. Find the direct runoff for a rain of 5.1 cm, where the
watershed is in AMC-II condition.
b) The six-hour unit hydrograph of a watershed having a drainage area equal to 490
is as follows. For a storm over the watershed having excess rainfall of 10 cm
for the first six hours and 20 cm for the second six hours, compute the stream flow
hydrograph, assuming a constant base flow of 95 m
Time (hr) 0 6 12 18 24 30 36 42 48
Unit Hydrograph (m
/sec)0 2.8 45.9 105.6 51.8 35.8 24.6 10.5 1.9

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Code No: RT32014

5 a) Explain flood routing through reservoirs. Describe the stepwise procedure adopted
for flood routing computations by trial and error method.
b) In a frequency analysis of rainfall based on the years of data 10 minutes storm, the
following values were obtained: Arithmetic mean of the data = 1.85 cm, standard
deviation = 0.55 cm. Find using Gumbel?s extreme value distribution the
recurrence interval of a storm of ten minutes and depth equal to 3 cm.
6 a) Two identical tube wells fully penetrating a 12 m thick aquifer are located at
170 m apart. The tube wells have diameter of 30 cm, radius of influence of 300 m
and the coefficient of permeability of aquifer is 10
m/sec. Compute discharge of
tube well when only one is working with a drawdown of 5 m and percentage
decrease in discharge of the well, if both are working with a drawdown of 5 m.
b) Give detailed classification of types of wells and explain them in detail.
7 a) Discuss the importance and applications of rainfall ? runoff modeling techniques. [8M]
b) Explain in detail the procedure involved in adopting Chow hydrological model. [8M]

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SET – 2

Code No: RT32014
III B. Tech II Semester Regular/Supplementary Examinations, April – 2018
WATER RESOURCES ENGINEERING ?I (Civil Engineering)Time: 3 hours Max. Marks: 70
Note: 1. Question Paper consists of two parts (Part-A and Part-B) 2. Answering the question in Part-A is compulsory
3. Answer any THREE Questions from Part-B
1 a) Explain as to how weather affects precipitation. [3M]
b) Mention the factors responsible for reducing the evaporation process. [4M]
c) Differentiate between total runoff and surface runoff. [4M]
d) List out the objectives of flood mitigation methods. [4M]
e) Enumerate the factors affecting the safe yield and specific yield. [3M]
f) Enlist the advantages and disadvantages of Hydrological numerical models. [4M]
2 a) Discuss briefly the three important methods, which are used for determining the
mean rainfall over a drainage basin.
b) Define the terms: Design storm, applications of Engineering Hydrology, frequency
of rainfall.
3 a) Explain in detail the factors affecting the infiltration capacity. [8M]
b) How do you control the evapotranspiration? Explain in detail along with the
significance of the term Interception.
4 a) Explain the use of unit hydrograph in the construction of flood hydrograph resulting
from two or more periods of rainfall.
b) During a storm event an average depth of 10cm of rain fell over a watershed with a
land use of pasture in good condition and soils from hydrologic soil group C.
Estimate the direct runoff.
5 a) For a date of maximum recorded flood of a river, the mean and standard deviation
are 4500m
/s and 1700m
/s, respectively. Using Gumbel?s extreme value
distribution, estimate the return period of a design flood of 9500m
/s. Assume an
infinite sample size.
b) Derive Muskingum equation and incidentally determine the coefficients there in.
What is the sum of the coefficients?

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Code No: RT32014

6 a) A 30 cm well completely penetrates an unconfined aquifer of depth 40 m. After a
long period of pumping at a steady state of 1580 lpm, the drawdown in two
observation wells 25 m and 75 m from the pumping well were found to be 3.5 m and
2.0 m respectively. Determine the transmissibility of the aquifer. What is the
drawdown at the pumping well?
b) Write a short note on the following: (i) storage coefficient and (ii) yield of a open well-recuperation
7 a) Explain various Hydrologic models along with their area of application. [8M]
b) How is the application of Kulandaiswamy model different when compared to
any conceptual model? Explain in detail.


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SET – 1

Code No: RT32014
III B. Tech II Semester Regular/Supplementary Examinations, April – 2018
WATER RESOURCES ENGINEERING ?I (Civil Engineering)Time: 3 hours Max. Marks: 70
Note: 1. Question Paper consists of two parts (Part-A and Part-B)2. Answering the question in Part-A is compulsory
3. Answer any THREE Questions from Part-B
1 a) State the importance of hydrologic cycle, with a neat sketch [3M]
b) Define the term: Infiltration capacity and infiltration rate. [4M]
c) Enlist the assumptions made in the analysis of unit Hydrograph. [4M]
d) Discuss the concept of Flood control methods. [3M]
e) Detail the Darcy?s law along with the assumptions. [4M]
f) Enumerate the basic elements adopted in hydrologic simulation models [4M]
2 a) By means of neat sketch, explain in detail about Float and Tipping type automatic
rain gauge.
b) Discuss three important ways in which clouds are formed indicating the type of
precipitation caused by each of them.
3 a) What do you understand by water budget determination of reservoir evaporation?
Explain in brief.
b) Explain in detail the process involved in the measurement of infiltration by single
ring infiltrometer and rainfall simulators
4 a) A watershed of 630 acres has 400 acres in row crop, contoured, good rotation and
230 acres in rotation meadow, contoured, good rotation. All soils are in the
Hydrologic Soil Group B. Find the direct runoff for a rain of 5.1 cm, where the
watershed is in AMC-II condition.
b) The six-hour unit hydrograph of a watershed having a drainage area equal to 490
is as follows. For a storm over the watershed having excess rainfall of 10 cm
for the first six hours and 20 cm for the second six hours, compute the stream flow
hydrograph, assuming a constant base flow of 95 m
Time (hr) 0 6 12 18 24 30 36 42 48
Unit Hydrograph (m
/sec)0 2.8 45.9 105.6 51.8 35.8 24.6 10.5 1.9

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Code No: RT32014

5 a) Explain flood routing through reservoirs. Describe the stepwise procedure adopted
for flood routing computations by trial and error method.
b) In a frequency analysis of rainfall based on the years of data 10 minutes storm, the
following values were obtained: Arithmetic mean of the data = 1.85 cm, standard
deviation = 0.55 cm. Find using Gumbel?s extreme value distribution the
recurrence interval of a storm of ten minutes and depth equal to 3 cm.
6 a) Two identical tube wells fully penetrating a 12 m thick aquifer are located at
170 m apart. The tube wells have diameter of 30 cm, radius of influence of 300 m
and the coefficient of permeability of aquifer is 10
m/sec. Compute discharge of
tube well when only one is working with a drawdown of 5 m and percentage
decrease in discharge of the well, if both are working with a drawdown of 5 m.
b) Give detailed classification of types of wells and explain them in detail.
7 a) Discuss the importance and applications of rainfall ? runoff modeling techniques. [8M]
b) Explain in detail the procedure involved in adopting Chow hydrological model. [8M]

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SET – 2

Code No: RT32014
III B. Tech II Semester Regular/Supplementary Examinations, April – 2018
WATER RESOURCES ENGINEERING ?I (Civil Engineering)Time: 3 hours Max. Marks: 70
Note: 1. Question Paper consists of two parts (Part-A and Part-B)2. Answering the question in Part-A is compulsory
3. Answer any THREE Questions from Part-B
1 a) Define the term cyclonic precipitation. [3M]
b) Enumerate measures adopted to control evaporation [4M]
c) State and explain rational method used for computing peak runoff. [4M]
d) Enlist the effects of floods. [4M]
e) What is the importance of permeability and porosity in groundwater analysis? [4M]
f) Give the detailed classification of Hydrologic models. [3M]
2 a) Discuss in detail the procedure for estimate the average rainfall using Thiessen
Polygon method.
b) Explain in brief the significance of Depth-Area-Duration (DAD) curves and also
Probable Maximum Precipitation.
3 a) What are various abstractions adopted for estimation of precipitation? Explain. [3M]
b) Explain in detail various methods adopted for estimation of Evapotranspiration. [8M]
c) State the factors affecting Infiltration. [5M]
4 a) State the rules to be observed in developing Unit hydrograph from gaged
b) A watershed has 35 acres in woods in good condition on A-soil and 250 acres of
orchards and 400 acres of contoured row crops, both in good condition and on B-
soils. An additional 36 acres is bare on B-soil. Estimate the weighted CN and the
weighted discharge for storm rainfalls of 2, 4, 6, 8, and 10 cm.
5 a) Differentiate between hydrologic routing and hydraulic method of flood routing. [8M]
b) Explain the procedure involved in flood analysis by using Log Pearson type-III
distribution method.
6 a) Write a short note on Recuperation test and aquifer parameters. [8M]
b) A well penetrate into an unconfined aquifer having a saturated depth of 100 m. The
discharge is 250 lpm at 12 m drawdown. Assuming equilibrium flow conditions
and a homogeneous aquifer, estimate the discharge at 18 m drawdown. The radius
of influence may be taken as equal in both the cases. Derive the formula used.
7 a) What are various conceptual hydrologic models? Explain any one with detail
b) Derive the equation to draw the instantaneous unit hydrograph using Nash model. [8M]
SET – 3

Code No: RT32014
III B. Tech II Semester Regular/Supplementary Examinations, April – 2018
WATER RESOURCES ENGINEERING ?I (Civil Engineering)Time: 3 hours Max. Marks: 70
Note: 1. Question Paper consists of two parts (Part-A and Part-B) 2. Answering the question in Part-A is compulsory
3. Answer any THREE Questions from Part-B
1 a) Explain as to how weather affects precipitation. [3M]
b) Mention the factors responsible for reducing the evaporation process. [4M]
c) Differentiate between total runoff and surface runoff. [4M]
d) List out the objectives of flood mitigation methods. [4M]
e) Enumerate the factors affecting the safe yield and specific yield. [3M]
f) Enlist the advantages and disadvantages of Hydrological numerical models. [4M]
2 a) Discuss briefly the three important methods, which are used for determining the
mean rainfall over a drainage basin.
b) Define the terms: Design storm, applications of Engineering Hydrology, frequency
of rainfall.
3 a) Explain in detail the factors affecting the infiltration capacity. [8M]
b) How do you control the evapotranspiration? Explain in detail along with the
significance of the term Interception.
4 a) Explain the use of unit hydrograph in the construction of flood hydrograph resulting
from two or more periods of rainfall.
b) During a storm event an average depth of 10cm of rain fell over a watershed with a
land use of pasture in good condition and soils from hydrologic soil group C.
Estimate the direct runoff.
5 a) For a date of maximum recorded flood of a river, the mean and standard deviation
are 4500m
/s and 1700m
/s, respectively. Using Gumbel?s extreme value
distribution, estimate the return period of a design flood of 9500m
/s. Assume an
infinite sample size.
b) Derive Muskingum equation and incidentally determine the coefficients there in.
What is the sum of the coefficients?

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6 a) A 30 cm well completely penetrates an unconfined aquifer of depth 40 m. After a
long period of pumping at a steady state of 1580 lpm, the drawdown in two
observation wells 25 m and 75 m from the pumping well were found to be 3.5 m and
2.0 m respectively. Determine the transmissibility of the aquifer. What is the
drawdown at the pumping well?
b) Write a short note on the following: (i) storage coefficient and (ii) yield of a open well-recuperation
7 a) Explain various Hydrologic models along with their area of application. [8M]
b) How is the application of Kulandaiswamy model different when compared to
any conceptual model? Explain in detail.


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SET – 1

Code No: RT32014
III B. Tech II Semester Regular/Supplementary Examinations, April – 2018
WATER RESOURCES ENGINEERING ?I (Civil Engineering)Time: 3 hours Max. Marks: 70
Note: 1. Question Paper consists of two parts (Part-A and Part-B)2. Answering the question in Part-A is compulsory
3. Answer any THREE Questions from Part-B
1 a) State the importance of hydrologic cycle, with a neat sketch [3M]
b) Define the term: Infiltration capacity and infiltration rate. [4M]
c) Enlist the assumptions made in the analysis of unit Hydrograph. [4M]
d) Discuss the concept of Flood control methods. [3M]
e) Detail the Darcy?s law along with the assumptions. [4M]
f) Enumerate the basic elements adopted in hydrologic simulation models [4M]
2 a) By means of neat sketch, explain in detail about Float and Tipping type automatic
rain gauge.
b) Discuss three important ways in which clouds are formed indicating the type of
precipitation caused by each of them.
3 a) What do you understand by water budget determination of reservoir evaporation?
Explain in brief.
b) Explain in detail the process involved in the measurement of infiltration by single
ring infiltrometer and rainfall simulators
4 a) A watershed of 630 acres has 400 acres in row crop, contoured, good rotation and
230 acres in rotation meadow, contoured, good rotation. All soils are in the
Hydrologic Soil Group B. Find the direct runoff for a rain of 5.1 cm, where the
watershed is in AMC-II condition.
b) The six-hour unit hydrograph of a watershed having a drainage area equal to 490
is as follows. For a storm over the watershed having excess rainfall of 10 cm
for the first six hours and 20 cm for the second six hours, compute the stream flow
hydrograph, assuming a constant base flow of 95 m
Time (hr) 0 6 12 18 24 30 36 42 48
Unit Hydrograph (m
/sec)0 2.8 45.9 105.6 51.8 35.8 24.6 10.5 1.9

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Code No: RT32014

5 a) Explain flood routing through reservoirs. Describe the stepwise procedure adopted
for flood routing computations by trial and error method.
b) In a frequency analysis of rainfall based on the years of data 10 minutes storm, the
following values were obtained: Arithmetic mean of the data = 1.85 cm, standard
deviation = 0.55 cm. Find using Gumbel?s extreme value distribution the
recurrence interval of a storm of ten minutes and depth equal to 3 cm.
6 a) Two identical tube wells fully penetrating a 12 m thick aquifer are located at
170 m apart. The tube wells have diameter of 30 cm, radius of influence of 300 m
and the coefficient of permeability of aquifer is 10
m/sec. Compute discharge of
tube well when only one is working with a drawdown of 5 m and percentage
decrease in discharge of the well, if both are working with a drawdown of 5 m.
b) Give detailed classification of types of wells and explain them in detail.
7 a) Discuss the importance and applications of rainfall ? runoff modeling techniques. [8M]
b) Explain in detail the procedure involved in adopting Chow hydrological model. [8M]

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SET – 2

Code No: RT32014
III B. Tech II Semester Regular/Supplementary Examinations, April – 2018
WATER RESOURCES ENGINEERING ?I (Civil Engineering)Time: 3 hours Max. Marks: 70
Note: 1. Question Paper consists of two parts (Part-A and Part-B)2. Answering the question in Part-A is compulsory
3. Answer any THREE Questions from Part-B
1 a) Define the term cyclonic precipitation. [3M]
b) Enumerate measures adopted to control evaporation [4M]
c) State and explain rational method used for computing peak runoff. [4M]
d) Enlist the effects of floods. [4M]
e) What is the importance of permeability and porosity in groundwater analysis? [4M]
f) Give the detailed classification of Hydrologic models. [3M]
2 a) Discuss in detail the procedure for estimate the average rainfall using Thiessen
Polygon method.
b) Explain in brief the significance of Depth-Area-Duration (DAD) curves and also
Probable Maximum Precipitation.
3 a) What are various abstractions adopted for estimation of precipitation? Explain. [3M]
b) Explain in detail various methods adopted for estimation of Evapotranspiration. [8M]
c) State the factors affecting Infiltration. [5M]
4 a) State the rules to be observed in developing Unit hydrograph from gaged
b) A watershed has 35 acres in woods in good condition on A-soil and 250 acres of
orchards and 400 acres of contoured row crops, both in good condition and on B-
soils. An additional 36 acres is bare on B-soil. Estimate the weighted CN and the
weighted discharge for storm rainfalls of 2, 4, 6, 8, and 10 cm.
5 a) Differentiate between hydrologic routing and hydraulic method of flood routing. [8M]
b) Explain the procedure involved in flood analysis by using Log Pearson type-III
distribution method.
6 a) Write a short note on Recuperation test and aquifer parameters. [8M]
b) A well penetrate into an unconfined aquifer having a saturated depth of 100 m. The
discharge is 250 lpm at 12 m drawdown. Assuming equilibrium flow conditions
and a homogeneous aquifer, estimate the discharge at 18 m drawdown. The radius
of influence may be taken as equal in both the cases. Derive the formula used.
7 a) What are various conceptual hydrologic models? Explain any one with detail
b) Derive the equation to draw the instantaneous unit hydrograph using Nash model. [8M]
SET – 3

Code No: RT32014
III B. Tech II Semester Regular/Supplementary Examinations, April – 2018
WATER RESOURCES ENGINEERING ?I (Civil Engineering)Time: 3 hours Max. Marks: 70
Note: 1. Question Paper consists of two parts (Part-A and Part-B)2. Answering the question in Part-A is compulsory
3. Answer any THREE Questions from Part-B
1 a) Define the terms: Convective precipitation and Orographic Precipitation. [4M]
b) State the difference between Evaporation, Interception and Transpiration. [4M]
c) Explain how unit hydrograph is used to estimate the flood hydrograph of a storm. [4M]
d) What is the use of Attenuation and Time Lag parameters in Flood analysis? [4M]
e) Discuss the occurrence of groundwater and its utilization. [3M]
f) Enumerate the assumptions made in the analysis of hydrological models [4M]
2 a) What is intensity ? duration curve, and how will you derive a curve for a given
frequency at a rain gauge station from the available data.
b) Explain how you can supplement precipitation records if they are missing for a
particular year.
3 a) Explain clearly the terms: Infiltration capacity curve and Factors affecting
b) Discuss in detail any one method for the measurement of Evapotranspiration.
4 a) Calculate peak discharges using Rational method and the “Runoff Curve Numbers
for Urban Areas.” For 10 year, C
= 1.0 and for 100 year, C
= 1.25.
b) Obtain a Unit Hydrograph for a basin of 282.6 km
of area using the rainfall and
stream flow data tabulated below.
Time (hr) 0 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10
Hydrograph (m
/s)0 170 160 360 850 900 700 650 500 300 150
Time (h) 0-1 1-2 2-3 3-4 4-5
Gross Precipitation (GRH) (cm/h)0.35 1.75 3.75 3.75 0.25

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SET – 4

Code No: RT32014
III B. Tech II Semester Regular/Supplementary Examinations, April – 2018
WATER RESOURCES ENGINEERING ?I (Civil Engineering)Time: 3 hours Max. Marks: 70
Note: 1. Question Paper consists of two parts (Part-A and Part-B) 2. Answering the question in Part-A is compulsory
3. Answer any THREE Questions from Part-B
1 a) Explain as to how weather affects precipitation. [3M]
b) Mention the factors responsible for reducing the evaporation process. [4M]
c) Differentiate between total runoff and surface runoff. [4M]
d) List out the objectives of flood mitigation methods. [4M]
e) Enumerate the factors affecting the safe yield and specific yield. [3M]
f) Enlist the advantages and disadvantages of Hydrological numerical models. [4M]
2 a) Discuss briefly the three important methods, which are used for determining the
mean rainfall over a drainage basin.
b) Define the terms: Design storm, applications of Engineering Hydrology, frequency
of rainfall.
3 a) Explain in detail the factors affecting the infiltration capacity. [8M]
b) How do you control the evapotranspiration? Explain in detail along with the
significance of the term Interception.
4 a) Explain the use of unit hydrograph in the construction of flood hydrograph resulting
from two or more periods of rainfall.
b) During a storm event an average depth of 10cm of rain fell over a watershed with a
land use of pasture in good condition and soils from hydrologic soil group C.
Estimate the direct runoff.
5 a) For a date of maximum recorded flood of a river, the mean and standard deviation
are 4500m
/s and 1700m
/s, respectively. Using Gumbel?s extreme value
distribution, estimate the return period of a design flood of 9500m
/s. Assume an
infinite sample size.
b) Derive Muskingum equation and incidentally determine the coefficients there in.
What is the sum of the coefficients?

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SET – 1

Code No: RT32014

6 a) A 30 cm well completely penetrates an unconfined aquifer of depth 40 m. After a
long period of pumping at a steady state of 1580 lpm, the drawdown in two
observation wells 25 m and 75 m from the pumping well were found to be 3.5 m and
2.0 m respectively. Determine the transmissibility of the aquifer. What is the
drawdown at the pumping well?
b) Write a short note on the following: (i) storage coefficient and (ii) yield of a open well-recuperation
7 a) Explain various Hydrologic models along with their area of application. [8M]
b) How is the application of Kulandaiswamy model different when compared to
any conceptual model? Explain in detail.


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SET – 1

Code No: RT32014
III B. Tech II Semester Regular/Supplementary Examinations, April – 2018
WATER RESOURCES ENGINEERING ?I (Civil Engineering)Time: 3 hours Max. Marks: 70
Note: 1. Question Paper consists of two parts (Part-A and Part-B)2. Answering the question in Part-A is compulsory
3. Answer any THREE Questions from Part-B
1 a) State the importance of hydrologic cycle, with a neat sketch [3M]
b) Define the term: Infiltration capacity and infiltration rate. [4M]
c) Enlist the assumptions made in the analysis of unit Hydrograph. [4M]
d) Discuss the concept of Flood control methods. [3M]
e) Detail the Darcy?s law along with the assumptions. [4M]
f) Enumerate the basic elements adopted in hydrologic simulation models [4M]
2 a) By means of neat sketch, explain in detail about Float and Tipping type automatic
rain gauge.
b) Discuss three important ways in which clouds are formed indicating the type of
precipitation caused by each of them.
3 a) What do you understand by water budget determination of reservoir evaporation?
Explain in brief.
b) Explain in detail the process involved in the measurement of infiltration by single
ring infiltrometer and rainfall simulators
4 a) A watershed of 630 acres has 400 acres in row crop, contoured, good rotation and
230 acres in rotation meadow, contoured, good rotation. All soils are in the
Hydrologic Soil Group B. Find the direct runoff for a rain of 5.1 cm, where the
watershed is in AMC-II condition.
b) The six-hour unit hydrograph of a watershed having a drainage area equal to 490
is as follows. For a storm over the watershed having excess rainfall of 10 cm
for the first six hours and 20 cm for the second six hours, compute the stream flow
hydrograph, assuming a constant base flow of 95 m
Time (hr) 0 6 12 18 24 30 36 42 48
Unit Hydrograph (m
/sec)0 2.8 45.9 105.6 51.8 35.8 24.6 10.5 1.9

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SET – 2

Code No: RT32014

5 a) Explain flood routing through reservoirs. Describe the stepwise procedure adopted
for flood routing computations by trial and error method.
b) In a frequency analysis of rainfall based on the years of data 10 minutes storm, the
following values were obtained: Arithmetic mean of the data = 1.85 cm, standard
deviation = 0.55 cm. Find using Gumbel?s extreme value distribution the
recurrence interval of a storm of ten minutes and depth equal to 3 cm.
6 a) Two identical tube wells fully penetrating a 12 m thick aquifer are located at
170 m apart. The tube wells have diameter of 30 cm, radius of influence of 300 m
and the coefficient of permeability of aquifer is 10
m/sec. Compute discharge of
tube well when only one is working with a drawdown of 5 m and percentage
decrease in discharge of the well, if both are working with a drawdown of 5 m.
b) Give detailed classification of types of wells and explain them in detail.
7 a) Discuss the importance and applications of rainfall ? runoff modeling techniques. [8M]
b) Explain in detail the procedure involved in adopting Chow hydrological model. [8M]

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SET – 2

Code No: RT32014
III B. Tech II Semester Regular/Supplementary Examinations, April – 2018
WATER RESOURCES ENGINEERING ?I (Civil Engineering)Time: 3 hours Max. Marks: 70
Note: 1. Question Paper consists of two parts (Part-A and Part-B)2. Answering the question in Part-A is compulsory
3. Answer any THREE Questions from Part-B
1 a) Define the term cyclonic precipitation. [3M]
b) Enumerate measures adopted to control evaporation [4M]
c) State and explain rational method used for computing peak runoff. [4M]
d) Enlist the effects of floods. [4M]
e) What is the importance of permeability and porosity in groundwater analysis? [4M]
f) Give the detailed classification of Hydrologic models. [3M]
2 a) Discuss in detail the procedure for estimate the average rainfall using Thiessen
Polygon method.
b) Explain in brief the significance of Depth-Area-Duration (DAD) curves and also
Probable Maximum Precipitation.
3 a) What are various abstractions adopted for estimation of precipitation? Explain. [3M]
b) Explain in detail various methods adopted for estimation of Evapotranspiration. [8M]
c) State the factors affecting Infiltration. [5M]
4 a) State the rules to be observed in developing Unit hydrograph from gaged
b) A watershed has 35 acres in woods in good condition on A-soil and 250 acres of
orchards and 400 acres of contoured row crops, both in good condition and on B-
soils. An additional 36 acres is bare on B-soil. Estimate the weighted CN and the
weighted discharge for storm rainfalls of 2, 4, 6, 8, and 10 cm.
5 a) Differentiate between hydrologic routing and hydraulic method of flood routing. [8M]
b) Explain the procedure involved in flood analysis by using Log Pearson type-III
distribution method.
6 a) Write a short note on Recuperation test and aquifer parameters. [8M]
b) A well penetrate into an unconfined aquifer having a saturated depth of 100 m. The
discharge is 250 lpm at 12 m drawdown. Assuming equilibrium flow conditions
and a homogeneous aquifer, estimate the discharge at 18 m drawdown. The radius
of influence may be taken as equal in both the cases. Derive the formula used.
7 a) What are various conceptual hydrologic models? Explain any one with detail
b) Derive the equation to draw the instantaneous unit hydrograph using Nash model. [8M]
SET – 3

Code No: RT32014
III B. Tech II Semester Regular/Supplementary Examinations, April – 2018
WATER RESOURCES ENGINEERING ?I (Civil Engineering)Time: 3 hours Max. Marks: 70
Note: 1. Question Paper consists of two parts (Part-A and Part-B)2. Answering the question in Part-A is compulsory
3. Answer any THREE Questions from Part-B
1 a) Define the terms: Convective precipitation and Orographic Precipitation. [4M]
b) State the difference between Evaporation, Interception and Transpiration. [4M]
c) Explain how unit hydrograph is used to estimate the flood hydrograph of a storm. [4M]
d) What is the use of Attenuation and Time Lag parameters in Flood analysis? [4M]
e) Discuss the occurrence of groundwater and its utilization. [3M]
f) Enumerate the assumptions made in the analysis of hydrological models [4M]
2 a) What is intensity ? duration curve, and how will you derive a curve for a given
frequency at a rain gauge station from the available data.
b) Explain how you can supplement precipitation records if they are missing for a
particular year.
3 a) Explain clearly the terms: Infiltration capacity curve and Factors affecting
b) Discuss in detail any one method for the measurement of Evapotranspiration.
4 a) Calculate peak discharges using Rational method and the “Runoff Curve Numbers
for Urban Areas.” For 10 year, C
= 1.0 and for 100 year, C
= 1.25.
b) Obtain a Unit Hydrograph for a basin of 282.6 km
of area using the rainfall and
stream flow data tabulated below.
Time (hr) 0 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10
Hydrograph (m
/s)0 170 160 360 850 900 700 650 500 300 150
Time (h) 0-1 1-2 2-3 3-4 4-5
Gross Precipitation (GRH) (cm/h)0.35 1.75 3.75 3.75 0.25

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SET – 4

Code No: RT32014

5 a) Write a short note on the following: (i) Standard Project Flood (ii) Flood control management
b) Route the following flood through a river reach for which the Muskingum
coefficients K and X are 22h and 0.25 respectively. At time t=0, the outflow
discharge is 45cumec.
Time (hr) 0 12 24 36 48 60 72 84
Inflow (m
/s)35 90 160 360 300 200 195 75
6 a) A well penetrates into an unconfined aquifer having a saturated depth of 15 m. The
discharge is 8000 l/hour at 6m drawdown. Assuming equilibrium flow conditions
and a homogenous aquifer, compute the discharge at 9 m drawdown. The radius of
influence may be taken as equal in both the cases. Deduce the formula that can be
used and calculate the discharge.
b) Explain in detail various types of aquifers.
7 a) What are various Deterministic models? Explain each of them in detail. [8M]
b) A watershed of 950-acre drainage area has the following 15-minute time-area
curve. The storage coefficient k of the watershed is 35 minutes. Determine the 10-
minute unit hydrograph UH(10,t).
Time of Isochrones (minutes) Area between isochrones (acres)0 0
10 100
35 400
45 550
60 100


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SET – 4

Team FirstRanker.in

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Team FirstRanker.in

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