JNTU Kakinada B-Tech 1-2 R161216 ENGINEERING MECHANICS R16 May 2018 Question Paper

JNTU Kakinada (JNTUK) B-Tech First Year Second Semester (1-2) ENGINEERING MECHANICS Common to to CSE, IT, AGE R16 Regulation May 2018 Question Paper

Code No: R161216
I B. Tech II Semester Regular/Supplementary Examinations, April/May – 2018
(Com. to CSE, IT, AGE)Time: 3 hours Max. Marks: 70
Note: 1. Question Paper consists of two parts (Part-A and Part-B) 2. Answering the question in Part-A is Compulsory
3. Answer any FOUR Questions from Part-B
1. a) Define coefficient of friction. How is it related to angle of friction? (2M)
b) State the necessary and sufficient conditions of equilibrium for a coplanar force
system. (2M)
c) Define the centre of gravity and centroid. (2M)
d) Explain Polar moment of Inertia. (2M)
e) Differentiate between kinematics and kinetics. (2M)
f) Define Impulse and momentum. (2M)
g) State the laws of friction. (2M)
2. a) Explain how will you reduce the system of coplanar, non-concurrent forces to a
force and a couple. (6M)
b) A uniform ladder of weight 800N and of length 7 m rests on a horizontal ground
and leans against a smooth vertical wall. The angle made by the ladder with the
horizontal is 60
. When a man of weight 600N stands on the ladder at a distance
4m from the top of the ladder, the ladder is at the point of sliding. Determine the
coefficient of friction between the ladder and the floor.
3. a) Three concurrent forces have magnitudes of 80 N, 120 N and 100 N respectively.
Determine the angles among them that will produce a state of equilibrium. (6M)
b) Determine the forces in all the members of a cantilever truss shown in the below
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Code No: R161216
I B. Tech II Semester Regular/Supplementary Examinations, April/May – 2018
(Com. to CSE, IT, AGE)Time: 3 hours Max. Marks: 70
Note: 1. Question Paper consists of two parts (Part-A and Part-B) 2. Answering the question in Part-A is Compulsory
3. Answer any FOUR Questions from Part-B
1. a) Define coefficient of friction. How is it related to angle of friction? (2M)
b) State the necessary and sufficient conditions of equilibrium for a coplanar force
system. (2M)
c) Define the centre of gravity and centroid. (2M)
d) Explain Polar moment of Inertia. (2M)
e) Differentiate between kinematics and kinetics. (2M)
f) Define Impulse and momentum. (2M)
g) State the laws of friction. (2M)
2. a) Explain how will you reduce the system of coplanar, non-concurrent forces to a
force and a couple. (6M)
b) A uniform ladder of weight 800N and of length 7 m rests on a horizontal ground
and leans against a smooth vertical wall. The angle made by the ladder with the
horizontal is 60
. When a man of weight 600N stands on the ladder at a distance
4m from the top of the ladder, the ladder is at the point of sliding. Determine the
coefficient of friction between the ladder and the floor.
3. a) Three concurrent forces have magnitudes of 80 N, 120 N and 100 N respectively.
Determine the angles among them that will produce a state of equilibrium. (6M)
b) Determine the forces in all the members of a cantilever truss shown in the below
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Code No: R161216

4. a) State and prove Pappus theorems of area and volume. (6M)
b) Locate the Center of gravity of the area
as shown in figure with respect to
coordinate axes. All dimensions are in
mm. (8M)
5. a) State and prove transfer formula for product of inertia. (6M)
b) Find the mass moment of inertia of an aluminum pipe of 120mm outer diameter
and 90mm inner diameter and 2.5m height about its longitudinal axis. (density,
?=2560 kg/m
). (8M)
6. a) A stone, dropped from a certain height, can reach the ground in 5s. It is stopped
after 3 seconds of its fall and then allowed to fall again. Find the time taken by the
stone to reach the ground for the remaining distance. (6M)
b) A launcher fires a missile with a velocity of 60m/s at an angle with the horizontal.
If the missile lands 323m away at the same level, determine the angle of
projection. Also find the corresponding time of flight and the maximum height
attained by the missile. (8M)
7. A car weighing 15 kN is travelling
down a 12
inclined road at a speed of 4
m/s, as shown in the figure. To avoid an
accident, the driver suddenly applies
full brakes causing wheels to lock.
Determine how far the tyres skid on the
road, if the coefficient of kinetic friction
between the tyres and the road is 0.6

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Code No: R161216
I B. Tech II Semester Regular/Supplementary Examinations, April/May – 2018
(Com. to CSE, IT, AGE)Time: 3 hours Max. Marks: 70
Note: 1. Question Paper consists of two parts (Part-A and Part-B) 2. Answering the question in Part-A is Compulsory
3. Answer any FOUR Questions from Part-B
1. a) Define coefficient of friction. How is it related to angle of friction? (2M)
b) State the necessary and sufficient conditions of equilibrium for a coplanar force
system. (2M)
c) Define the centre of gravity and centroid. (2M)
d) Explain Polar moment of Inertia. (2M)
e) Differentiate between kinematics and kinetics. (2M)
f) Define Impulse and momentum. (2M)
g) State the laws of friction. (2M)
2. a) Explain how will you reduce the system of coplanar, non-concurrent forces to a
force and a couple. (6M)
b) A uniform ladder of weight 800N and of length 7 m rests on a horizontal ground
and leans against a smooth vertical wall. The angle made by the ladder with the
horizontal is 60
. When a man of weight 600N stands on the ladder at a distance
4m from the top of the ladder, the ladder is at the point of sliding. Determine the
coefficient of friction between the ladder and the floor.
3. a) Three concurrent forces have magnitudes of 80 N, 120 N and 100 N respectively.
Determine the angles among them that will produce a state of equilibrium. (6M)
b) Determine the forces in all the members of a cantilever truss shown in the below
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Code No: R161216

4. a) State and prove Pappus theorems of area and volume. (6M)
b) Locate the Center of gravity of the area
as shown in figure with respect to
coordinate axes. All dimensions are in
mm. (8M)
5. a) State and prove transfer formula for product of inertia. (6M)
b) Find the mass moment of inertia of an aluminum pipe of 120mm outer diameter
and 90mm inner diameter and 2.5m height about its longitudinal axis. (density,
?=2560 kg/m
). (8M)
6. a) A stone, dropped from a certain height, can reach the ground in 5s. It is stopped
after 3 seconds of its fall and then allowed to fall again. Find the time taken by the
stone to reach the ground for the remaining distance. (6M)
b) A launcher fires a missile with a velocity of 60m/s at an angle with the horizontal.
If the missile lands 323m away at the same level, determine the angle of
projection. Also find the corresponding time of flight and the maximum height
attained by the missile. (8M)
7. A car weighing 15 kN is travelling
down a 12
inclined road at a speed of 4
m/s, as shown in the figure. To avoid an
accident, the driver suddenly applies
full brakes causing wheels to lock.
Determine how far the tyres skid on the
road, if the coefficient of kinetic friction
between the tyres and the road is 0.6

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Code No: R161216
I B. Tech II Semester Regular/Supplementary Examinations, April/May – 2018
(Com. to CSE, IT, AGE)Time: 3 hours Max. Marks: 70
Note: 1. Question Paper consists of two parts (Part-A and Part-B) 2. Answering the question in Part-A is Compulsory
3. Answer any FOUR Questions from Part-B
1. a) ?Friction is independent of the area of contact between the two surfaces.? Explain. (2M)
b) Two forces are acting on a body and the body is in equilibrium. What conditions
should be fulfilled by these two forces? (2M)
c) State Pappus theorems. (2M)
d) Explain area moment of inertia. (2M)
e) When do we call a motion as rigid-body motion? (2M)
f) State the principle of impulse-momentum. (2M)
g) Write the equilibrium equations for a concurrent force system in space. (2M)
2. a) What do you understand by the term?Couple?? Discuss the characteristics of a
couple. (6M)
b) A pull of 60 N inclined at 25
to the horizontal plane, is required just to move a
body placed on a rough horizontal plane. But the push required to move the body
is 75N. If the push is inclined at 25
to the horizontal, find the weight of the body
and coefficient of friction. (8M)
3. a) A 10 m boom supports a load of 600 kg, as shown in
the figure. The cable BC is horizontal and 10 m
long. Determine the forces in the boom and the
b) Discuss the assumptions made in the analysis of simple truss.

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Code No: R161216
I B. Tech II Semester Regular/Supplementary Examinations, April/May – 2018
(Com. to CSE, IT, AGE)Time: 3 hours Max. Marks: 70
Note: 1. Question Paper consists of two parts (Part-A and Part-B) 2. Answering the question in Part-A is Compulsory
3. Answer any FOUR Questions from Part-B
1. a) Define coefficient of friction. How is it related to angle of friction? (2M)
b) State the necessary and sufficient conditions of equilibrium for a coplanar force
system. (2M)
c) Define the centre of gravity and centroid. (2M)
d) Explain Polar moment of Inertia. (2M)
e) Differentiate between kinematics and kinetics. (2M)
f) Define Impulse and momentum. (2M)
g) State the laws of friction. (2M)
2. a) Explain how will you reduce the system of coplanar, non-concurrent forces to a
force and a couple. (6M)
b) A uniform ladder of weight 800N and of length 7 m rests on a horizontal ground
and leans against a smooth vertical wall. The angle made by the ladder with the
horizontal is 60
. When a man of weight 600N stands on the ladder at a distance
4m from the top of the ladder, the ladder is at the point of sliding. Determine the
coefficient of friction between the ladder and the floor.
3. a) Three concurrent forces have magnitudes of 80 N, 120 N and 100 N respectively.
Determine the angles among them that will produce a state of equilibrium. (6M)
b) Determine the forces in all the members of a cantilever truss shown in the below
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Code No: R161216

4. a) State and prove Pappus theorems of area and volume. (6M)
b) Locate the Center of gravity of the area
as shown in figure with respect to
coordinate axes. All dimensions are in
mm. (8M)
5. a) State and prove transfer formula for product of inertia. (6M)
b) Find the mass moment of inertia of an aluminum pipe of 120mm outer diameter
and 90mm inner diameter and 2.5m height about its longitudinal axis. (density,
?=2560 kg/m
). (8M)
6. a) A stone, dropped from a certain height, can reach the ground in 5s. It is stopped
after 3 seconds of its fall and then allowed to fall again. Find the time taken by the
stone to reach the ground for the remaining distance. (6M)
b) A launcher fires a missile with a velocity of 60m/s at an angle with the horizontal.
If the missile lands 323m away at the same level, determine the angle of
projection. Also find the corresponding time of flight and the maximum height
attained by the missile. (8M)
7. A car weighing 15 kN is travelling
down a 12
inclined road at a speed of 4
m/s, as shown in the figure. To avoid an
accident, the driver suddenly applies
full brakes causing wheels to lock.
Determine how far the tyres skid on the
road, if the coefficient of kinetic friction
between the tyres and the road is 0.6

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Code No: R161216
I B. Tech II Semester Regular/Supplementary Examinations, April/May – 2018
(Com. to CSE, IT, AGE)Time: 3 hours Max. Marks: 70
Note: 1. Question Paper consists of two parts (Part-A and Part-B) 2. Answering the question in Part-A is Compulsory
3. Answer any FOUR Questions from Part-B
1. a) ?Friction is independent of the area of contact between the two surfaces.? Explain. (2M)
b) Two forces are acting on a body and the body is in equilibrium. What conditions
should be fulfilled by these two forces? (2M)
c) State Pappus theorems. (2M)
d) Explain area moment of inertia. (2M)
e) When do we call a motion as rigid-body motion? (2M)
f) State the principle of impulse-momentum. (2M)
g) Write the equilibrium equations for a concurrent force system in space. (2M)
2. a) What do you understand by the term?Couple?? Discuss the characteristics of a
couple. (6M)
b) A pull of 60 N inclined at 25
to the horizontal plane, is required just to move a
body placed on a rough horizontal plane. But the push required to move the body
is 75N. If the push is inclined at 25
to the horizontal, find the weight of the body
and coefficient of friction. (8M)
3. a) A 10 m boom supports a load of 600 kg, as shown in
the figure. The cable BC is horizontal and 10 m
long. Determine the forces in the boom and the
b) Discuss the assumptions made in the analysis of simple truss.

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Code No: R161216

4. a) Discuss the procedure to find the location of the centre of gravity of a composite
body. (6M)
b) For the I-section shown in figure, find
the moment of inertia about the
centroidal axis X-X perpendicular to the
5. a) Find moment of inertia values of circle of radius 25mm about its centroidal XX
and YY axes. (6M)
b) Find the moment of inertia of an aluminum pipe of 150mm outer diameter and
120mm inner diameter and 3.5m height about its longitudinal axis YY.(density,
?=2560 kg/m
). (8M)
6. a) An elevator is moving upwards with a constant speed of 10m/s. If a man standing
inside the elevator drops a coin from a height of 2.45m, find the time taken by the
coin to reach the floor of the elevator. (g=9.8m/s
). (6M)
b) A motor cyclist wants to jump over a
ditch as shown in figure. Find the
necessary minimum velocity at A and
also find the inclination and the
magnitude of velocity of motor cycle
just after clearing the ditch. (8M)
7. Three bodies ? a sphere, a solid cylinder
and a ring ? each having same mass and
radius are released from rest on a plane
inclined at an angle ? as shown in
figure. Determine the velocity of each
body after it has rolled down (without
slipping) the inclined plane through a
distance s, and hence find the ratio of
the three velocities. (14M)

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Code No: R161216
I B. Tech II Semester Regular/Supplementary Examinations, April/May – 2018
(Com. to CSE, IT, AGE)Time: 3 hours Max. Marks: 70
Note: 1. Question Paper consists of two parts (Part-A and Part-B) 2. Answering the question in Part-A is Compulsory
3. Answer any FOUR Questions from Part-B
1. a) Define coefficient of friction. How is it related to angle of friction? (2M)
b) State the necessary and sufficient conditions of equilibrium for a coplanar force
system. (2M)
c) Define the centre of gravity and centroid. (2M)
d) Explain Polar moment of Inertia. (2M)
e) Differentiate between kinematics and kinetics. (2M)
f) Define Impulse and momentum. (2M)
g) State the laws of friction. (2M)
2. a) Explain how will you reduce the system of coplanar, non-concurrent forces to a
force and a couple. (6M)
b) A uniform ladder of weight 800N and of length 7 m rests on a horizontal ground
and leans against a smooth vertical wall. The angle made by the ladder with the
horizontal is 60
. When a man of weight 600N stands on the ladder at a distance
4m from the top of the ladder, the ladder is at the point of sliding. Determine the
coefficient of friction between the ladder and the floor.
3. a) Three concurrent forces have magnitudes of 80 N, 120 N and 100 N respectively.
Determine the angles among them that will produce a state of equilibrium. (6M)
b) Determine the forces in all the members of a cantilever truss shown in the below
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Code No: R161216

4. a) State and prove Pappus theorems of area and volume. (6M)
b) Locate the Center of gravity of the area
as shown in figure with respect to
coordinate axes. All dimensions are in
mm. (8M)
5. a) State and prove transfer formula for product of inertia. (6M)
b) Find the mass moment of inertia of an aluminum pipe of 120mm outer diameter
and 90mm inner diameter and 2.5m height about its longitudinal axis. (density,
?=2560 kg/m
). (8M)
6. a) A stone, dropped from a certain height, can reach the ground in 5s. It is stopped
after 3 seconds of its fall and then allowed to fall again. Find the time taken by the
stone to reach the ground for the remaining distance. (6M)
b) A launcher fires a missile with a velocity of 60m/s at an angle with the horizontal.
If the missile lands 323m away at the same level, determine the angle of
projection. Also find the corresponding time of flight and the maximum height
attained by the missile. (8M)
7. A car weighing 15 kN is travelling
down a 12
inclined road at a speed of 4
m/s, as shown in the figure. To avoid an
accident, the driver suddenly applies
full brakes causing wheels to lock.
Determine how far the tyres skid on the
road, if the coefficient of kinetic friction
between the tyres and the road is 0.6

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Code No: R161216
I B. Tech II Semester Regular/Supplementary Examinations, April/May – 2018
(Com. to CSE, IT, AGE)Time: 3 hours Max. Marks: 70
Note: 1. Question Paper consists of two parts (Part-A and Part-B) 2. Answering the question in Part-A is Compulsory
3. Answer any FOUR Questions from Part-B
1. a) ?Friction is independent of the area of contact between the two surfaces.? Explain. (2M)
b) Two forces are acting on a body and the body is in equilibrium. What conditions
should be fulfilled by these two forces? (2M)
c) State Pappus theorems. (2M)
d) Explain area moment of inertia. (2M)
e) When do we call a motion as rigid-body motion? (2M)
f) State the principle of impulse-momentum. (2M)
g) Write the equilibrium equations for a concurrent force system in space. (2M)
2. a) What do you understand by the term?Couple?? Discuss the characteristics of a
couple. (6M)
b) A pull of 60 N inclined at 25
to the horizontal plane, is required just to move a
body placed on a rough horizontal plane. But the push required to move the body
is 75N. If the push is inclined at 25
to the horizontal, find the weight of the body
and coefficient of friction. (8M)
3. a) A 10 m boom supports a load of 600 kg, as shown in
the figure. The cable BC is horizontal and 10 m
long. Determine the forces in the boom and the
b) Discuss the assumptions made in the analysis of simple truss.

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Code No: R161216

4. a) Discuss the procedure to find the location of the centre of gravity of a composite
body. (6M)
b) For the I-section shown in figure, find
the moment of inertia about the
centroidal axis X-X perpendicular to the
5. a) Find moment of inertia values of circle of radius 25mm about its centroidal XX
and YY axes. (6M)
b) Find the moment of inertia of an aluminum pipe of 150mm outer diameter and
120mm inner diameter and 3.5m height about its longitudinal axis YY.(density,
?=2560 kg/m
). (8M)
6. a) An elevator is moving upwards with a constant speed of 10m/s. If a man standing
inside the elevator drops a coin from a height of 2.45m, find the time taken by the
coin to reach the floor of the elevator. (g=9.8m/s
). (6M)
b) A motor cyclist wants to jump over a
ditch as shown in figure. Find the
necessary minimum velocity at A and
also find the inclination and the
magnitude of velocity of motor cycle
just after clearing the ditch. (8M)
7. Three bodies ? a sphere, a solid cylinder
and a ring ? each having same mass and
radius are released from rest on a plane
inclined at an angle ? as shown in
figure. Determine the velocity of each
body after it has rolled down (without
slipping) the inclined plane through a
distance s, and hence find the ratio of
the three velocities. (14M)

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Code No: R161216
I B. Tech II Semester Regular/Supplementary Examinations, April/May – 2018
(Com. to CSE, IT, AGE)Time: 3 hours Max. Marks: 70
Note: 1. Question Paper consists of two parts (Part-A and Part-B) 2. Answering the question in Part-A is Compulsory
3. Answer any FOUR Questions from Part-B
1. a) Define: (i) Cone of friction; (ii) Limiting friction. (2M)
b) What are the conditions of equilibrium of a system of coplanar non-parallel, non-
concurrent forces? (2M)
c) What are the conditions under which the centre of gravity of a body becomes the
same as its centroid? (2M)
d) What is the significance of polar moment of inertia? (2M)
e) State the assumptions made while studying projectile motion. (2M)
f) State the work-energy equation for translation. (2M)
g) Explain the statement, ?Two equal and opposite parallel forces produces a
couple?. (2M)
2. a) Explain the procedure to find the resultant of parallel forces. (6M)
b) Three collinear horizontal forces of magnitude 300N, 100N and 250N are acting
on rigid body. Determine the resultant of the forces when (i) All the forces are
acting in the same direction; (ii) the force 100N acts in the opposite direction. (8M)
3. a) On a ladder supported at A and B, as
shown in the figure, a vertical load W
can have any position as defined by the
distance a from the bottom. Neglecting
friction, determine the magnitude of the
reaction at B. Neglect the weight of the
b) How will you prove that a body will not be in equilibrium when the body is
subjected to two forces which are equal and opposite but are parallel?

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Code No: R161216
I B. Tech II Semester Regular/Supplementary Examinations, April/May – 2018
(Com. to CSE, IT, AGE)Time: 3 hours Max. Marks: 70
Note: 1. Question Paper consists of two parts (Part-A and Part-B) 2. Answering the question in Part-A is Compulsory
3. Answer any FOUR Questions from Part-B
1. a) Define coefficient of friction. How is it related to angle of friction? (2M)
b) State the necessary and sufficient conditions of equilibrium for a coplanar force
system. (2M)
c) Define the centre of gravity and centroid. (2M)
d) Explain Polar moment of Inertia. (2M)
e) Differentiate between kinematics and kinetics. (2M)
f) Define Impulse and momentum. (2M)
g) State the laws of friction. (2M)
2. a) Explain how will you reduce the system of coplanar, non-concurrent forces to a
force and a couple. (6M)
b) A uniform ladder of weight 800N and of length 7 m rests on a horizontal ground
and leans against a smooth vertical wall. The angle made by the ladder with the
horizontal is 60
. When a man of weight 600N stands on the ladder at a distance
4m from the top of the ladder, the ladder is at the point of sliding. Determine the
coefficient of friction between the ladder and the floor.
3. a) Three concurrent forces have magnitudes of 80 N, 120 N and 100 N respectively.
Determine the angles among them that will produce a state of equilibrium. (6M)
b) Determine the forces in all the members of a cantilever truss shown in the below
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Code No: R161216

4. a) State and prove Pappus theorems of area and volume. (6M)
b) Locate the Center of gravity of the area
as shown in figure with respect to
coordinate axes. All dimensions are in
mm. (8M)
5. a) State and prove transfer formula for product of inertia. (6M)
b) Find the mass moment of inertia of an aluminum pipe of 120mm outer diameter
and 90mm inner diameter and 2.5m height about its longitudinal axis. (density,
?=2560 kg/m
). (8M)
6. a) A stone, dropped from a certain height, can reach the ground in 5s. It is stopped
after 3 seconds of its fall and then allowed to fall again. Find the time taken by the
stone to reach the ground for the remaining distance. (6M)
b) A launcher fires a missile with a velocity of 60m/s at an angle with the horizontal.
If the missile lands 323m away at the same level, determine the angle of
projection. Also find the corresponding time of flight and the maximum height
attained by the missile. (8M)
7. A car weighing 15 kN is travelling
down a 12
inclined road at a speed of 4
m/s, as shown in the figure. To avoid an
accident, the driver suddenly applies
full brakes causing wheels to lock.
Determine how far the tyres skid on the
road, if the coefficient of kinetic friction
between the tyres and the road is 0.6

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Code No: R161216
I B. Tech II Semester Regular/Supplementary Examinations, April/May – 2018
(Com. to CSE, IT, AGE)Time: 3 hours Max. Marks: 70
Note: 1. Question Paper consists of two parts (Part-A and Part-B) 2. Answering the question in Part-A is Compulsory
3. Answer any FOUR Questions from Part-B
1. a) ?Friction is independent of the area of contact between the two surfaces.? Explain. (2M)
b) Two forces are acting on a body and the body is in equilibrium. What conditions
should be fulfilled by these two forces? (2M)
c) State Pappus theorems. (2M)
d) Explain area moment of inertia. (2M)
e) When do we call a motion as rigid-body motion? (2M)
f) State the principle of impulse-momentum. (2M)
g) Write the equilibrium equations for a concurrent force system in space. (2M)
2. a) What do you understand by the term?Couple?? Discuss the characteristics of a
couple. (6M)
b) A pull of 60 N inclined at 25
to the horizontal plane, is required just to move a
body placed on a rough horizontal plane. But the push required to move the body
is 75N. If the push is inclined at 25
to the horizontal, find the weight of the body
and coefficient of friction. (8M)
3. a) A 10 m boom supports a load of 600 kg, as shown in
the figure. The cable BC is horizontal and 10 m
long. Determine the forces in the boom and the
b) Discuss the assumptions made in the analysis of simple truss.

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Code No: R161216

4. a) Discuss the procedure to find the location of the centre of gravity of a composite
body. (6M)
b) For the I-section shown in figure, find
the moment of inertia about the
centroidal axis X-X perpendicular to the
5. a) Find moment of inertia values of circle of radius 25mm about its centroidal XX
and YY axes. (6M)
b) Find the moment of inertia of an aluminum pipe of 150mm outer diameter and
120mm inner diameter and 3.5m height about its longitudinal axis YY.(density,
?=2560 kg/m
). (8M)
6. a) An elevator is moving upwards with a constant speed of 10m/s. If a man standing
inside the elevator drops a coin from a height of 2.45m, find the time taken by the
coin to reach the floor of the elevator. (g=9.8m/s
). (6M)
b) A motor cyclist wants to jump over a
ditch as shown in figure. Find the
necessary minimum velocity at A and
also find the inclination and the
magnitude of velocity of motor cycle
just after clearing the ditch. (8M)
7. Three bodies ? a sphere, a solid cylinder
and a ring ? each having same mass and
radius are released from rest on a plane
inclined at an angle ? as shown in
figure. Determine the velocity of each
body after it has rolled down (without
slipping) the inclined plane through a
distance s, and hence find the ratio of
the three velocities. (14M)

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Code No: R161216
I B. Tech II Semester Regular/Supplementary Examinations, April/May – 2018
(Com. to CSE, IT, AGE)Time: 3 hours Max. Marks: 70
Note: 1. Question Paper consists of two parts (Part-A and Part-B) 2. Answering the question in Part-A is Compulsory
3. Answer any FOUR Questions from Part-B
1. a) Define: (i) Cone of friction; (ii) Limiting friction. (2M)
b) What are the conditions of equilibrium of a system of coplanar non-parallel, non-
concurrent forces? (2M)
c) What are the conditions under which the centre of gravity of a body becomes the
same as its centroid? (2M)
d) What is the significance of polar moment of inertia? (2M)
e) State the assumptions made while studying projectile motion. (2M)
f) State the work-energy equation for translation. (2M)
g) Explain the statement, ?Two equal and opposite parallel forces produces a
couple?. (2M)
2. a) Explain the procedure to find the resultant of parallel forces. (6M)
b) Three collinear horizontal forces of magnitude 300N, 100N and 250N are acting
on rigid body. Determine the resultant of the forces when (i) All the forces are
acting in the same direction; (ii) the force 100N acts in the opposite direction. (8M)
3. a) On a ladder supported at A and B, as
shown in the figure, a vertical load W
can have any position as defined by the
distance a from the bottom. Neglecting
friction, determine the magnitude of the
reaction at B. Neglect the weight of the
b) How will you prove that a body will not be in equilibrium when the body is
subjected to two forces which are equal and opposite but are parallel?

SET – 3
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Code No: R161216
4. a) Determine the area generated by rotating a line of length `l` about x-axis from a
distance `r` using Pappus theorem. (6M)
b) For the T-section shown in figure,
determine the moment of inertia of the
section about the horizontal and vertical
axes, passing through the centre of
gravity of the section.
5. a) State and prove the parallel-axis theorem. (6M)
b) Determine moment of inertia of a steel sphere 150mm diameter with respect to
centre of gravity axes. Given density of steel as 7830 kg/m
. (8M)
6. a) Two bodies start moving in the same straight line at the same instant of time from
the same origin. The first body moves with a constant velocity of 40m/s, and the
second starts from rest with constant acceleration of 4m/s
. Find the time elapses
before the second catches the first body. Also, find the greatest distance between
them prior to it and the time at which this occurs. (7M)
b) A particle undergoing central force motion has a tangential velocity of 20m/s
while at a distance of 300m from the central point. Using the fact that the areal
velocity of the particle must be constant, find its tangential velocity when it is
400m away from central point. (7M)
7. Find the work done in moving a 20 kg
wheel by 2m up in an inclined plane with an
angle of inclination equal to 30
coefficient of friction 0.25, if a force of
400N is applied at the center of the wheel as
shown in the figure. What will be the
angular velocity of the wheel after the
wheel has travelled 4 m up the plane? Take
radius of the wheel to be 0.1 m.

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SET – 3

Code No: R161216
I B. Tech II Semester Regular/Supplementary Examinations, April/May – 2018
(Com. to CSE, IT, AGE)Time: 3 hours Max. Marks: 70
Note: 1. Question Paper consists of two parts (Part-A and Part-B) 2. Answering the question in Part-A is Compulsory
3. Answer any FOUR Questions from Part-B
1. a) Define coefficient of friction. How is it related to angle of friction? (2M)
b) State the necessary and sufficient conditions of equilibrium for a coplanar force
system. (2M)
c) Define the centre of gravity and centroid. (2M)
d) Explain Polar moment of Inertia. (2M)
e) Differentiate between kinematics and kinetics. (2M)
f) Define Impulse and momentum. (2M)
g) State the laws of friction. (2M)
2. a) Explain how will you reduce the system of coplanar, non-concurrent forces to a
force and a couple. (6M)
b) A uniform ladder of weight 800N and of length 7 m rests on a horizontal ground
and leans against a smooth vertical wall. The angle made by the ladder with the
horizontal is 60
. When a man of weight 600N stands on the ladder at a distance
4m from the top of the ladder, the ladder is at the point of sliding. Determine the
coefficient of friction between the ladder and the floor.
3. a) Three concurrent forces have magnitudes of 80 N, 120 N and 100 N respectively.
Determine the angles among them that will produce a state of equilibrium. (6M)
b) Determine the forces in all the members of a cantilever truss shown in the below
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Code No: R161216

4. a) State and prove Pappus theorems of area and volume. (6M)
b) Locate the Center of gravity of the area
as shown in figure with respect to
coordinate axes. All dimensions are in
mm. (8M)
5. a) State and prove transfer formula for product of inertia. (6M)
b) Find the mass moment of inertia of an aluminum pipe of 120mm outer diameter
and 90mm inner diameter and 2.5m height about its longitudinal axis. (density,
?=2560 kg/m
). (8M)
6. a) A stone, dropped from a certain height, can reach the ground in 5s. It is stopped
after 3 seconds of its fall and then allowed to fall again. Find the time taken by the
stone to reach the ground for the remaining distance. (6M)
b) A launcher fires a missile with a velocity of 60m/s at an angle with the horizontal.
If the missile lands 323m away at the same level, determine the angle of
projection. Also find the corresponding time of flight and the maximum height
attained by the missile. (8M)
7. A car weighing 15 kN is travelling
down a 12
inclined road at a speed of 4
m/s, as shown in the figure. To avoid an
accident, the driver suddenly applies
full brakes causing wheels to lock.
Determine how far the tyres skid on the
road, if the coefficient of kinetic friction
between the tyres and the road is 0.6

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SET – 1

Code No: R161216
I B. Tech II Semester Regular/Supplementary Examinations, April/May – 2018
(Com. to CSE, IT, AGE)Time: 3 hours Max. Marks: 70
Note: 1. Question Paper consists of two parts (Part-A and Part-B) 2. Answering the question in Part-A is Compulsory
3. Answer any FOUR Questions from Part-B
1. a) ?Friction is independent of the area of contact between the two surfaces.? Explain. (2M)
b) Two forces are acting on a body and the body is in equilibrium. What conditions
should be fulfilled by these two forces? (2M)
c) State Pappus theorems. (2M)
d) Explain area moment of inertia. (2M)
e) When do we call a motion as rigid-body motion? (2M)
f) State the principle of impulse-momentum. (2M)
g) Write the equilibrium equations for a concurrent force system in space. (2M)
2. a) What do you understand by the term?Couple?? Discuss the characteristics of a
couple. (6M)
b) A pull of 60 N inclined at 25
to the horizontal plane, is required just to move a
body placed on a rough horizontal plane. But the push required to move the body
is 75N. If the push is inclined at 25
to the horizontal, find the weight of the body
and coefficient of friction. (8M)
3. a) A 10 m boom supports a load of 600 kg, as shown in
the figure. The cable BC is horizontal and 10 m
long. Determine the forces in the boom and the
b) Discuss the assumptions made in the analysis of simple truss.

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Code No: R161216

4. a) Discuss the procedure to find the location of the centre of gravity of a composite
body. (6M)
b) For the I-section shown in figure, find
the moment of inertia about the
centroidal axis X-X perpendicular to the
5. a) Find moment of inertia values of circle of radius 25mm about its centroidal XX
and YY axes. (6M)
b) Find the moment of inertia of an aluminum pipe of 150mm outer diameter and
120mm inner diameter and 3.5m height about its longitudinal axis YY.(density,
?=2560 kg/m
). (8M)
6. a) An elevator is moving upwards with a constant speed of 10m/s. If a man standing
inside the elevator drops a coin from a height of 2.45m, find the time taken by the
coin to reach the floor of the elevator. (g=9.8m/s
). (6M)
b) A motor cyclist wants to jump over a
ditch as shown in figure. Find the
necessary minimum velocity at A and
also find the inclination and the
magnitude of velocity of motor cycle
just after clearing the ditch. (8M)
7. Three bodies ? a sphere, a solid cylinder
and a ring ? each having same mass and
radius are released from rest on a plane
inclined at an angle ? as shown in
figure. Determine the velocity of each
body after it has rolled down (without
slipping) the inclined plane through a
distance s, and hence find the ratio of
the three velocities. (14M)

2 of 2
SET – 2

Code No: R161216
I B. Tech II Semester Regular/Supplementary Examinations, April/May – 2018
(Com. to CSE, IT, AGE)Time: 3 hours Max. Marks: 70
Note: 1. Question Paper consists of two parts (Part-A and Part-B) 2. Answering the question in Part-A is Compulsory
3. Answer any FOUR Questions from Part-B
1. a) Define: (i) Cone of friction; (ii) Limiting friction. (2M)
b) What are the conditions of equilibrium of a system of coplanar non-parallel, non-
concurrent forces? (2M)
c) What are the conditions under which the centre of gravity of a body becomes the
same as its centroid? (2M)
d) What is the significance of polar moment of inertia? (2M)
e) State the assumptions made while studying projectile motion. (2M)
f) State the work-energy equation for translation. (2M)
g) Explain the statement, ?Two equal and opposite parallel forces produces a
couple?. (2M)
2. a) Explain the procedure to find the resultant of parallel forces. (6M)
b) Three collinear horizontal forces of magnitude 300N, 100N and 250N are acting
on rigid body. Determine the resultant of the forces when (i) All the forces are
acting in the same direction; (ii) the force 100N acts in the opposite direction. (8M)
3. a) On a ladder supported at A and B, as
shown in the figure, a vertical load W
can have any position as defined by the
distance a from the bottom. Neglecting
friction, determine the magnitude of the
reaction at B. Neglect the weight of the
b) How will you prove that a body will not be in equilibrium when the body is
subjected to two forces which are equal and opposite but are parallel?

SET – 3
1 of 2

Code No: R161216
4. a) Determine the area generated by rotating a line of length `l` about x-axis from a
distance `r` using Pappus theorem. (6M)
b) For the T-section shown in figure,
determine the moment of inertia of the
section about the horizontal and vertical
axes, passing through the centre of
gravity of the section.
5. a) State and prove the parallel-axis theorem. (6M)
b) Determine moment of inertia of a steel sphere 150mm diameter with respect to
centre of gravity axes. Given density of steel as 7830 kg/m
. (8M)
6. a) Two bodies start moving in the same straight line at the same instant of time from
the same origin. The first body moves with a constant velocity of 40m/s, and the
second starts from rest with constant acceleration of 4m/s
. Find the time elapses
before the second catches the first body. Also, find the greatest distance between
them prior to it and the time at which this occurs. (7M)
b) A particle undergoing central force motion has a tangential velocity of 20m/s
while at a distance of 300m from the central point. Using the fact that the areal
velocity of the particle must be constant, find its tangential velocity when it is
400m away from central point. (7M)
7. Find the work done in moving a 20 kg
wheel by 2m up in an inclined plane with an
angle of inclination equal to 30
coefficient of friction 0.25, if a force of
400N is applied at the center of the wheel as
shown in the figure. What will be the
angular velocity of the wheel after the
wheel has travelled 4 m up the plane? Take
radius of the wheel to be 0.1 m.

2 of 2
SET – 3

Code No: R161216
I B. Tech II Semester Regular/Supplementary Examinations, April/May – 2018
(Com. to CSE, IT, AGE)Time: 3 hours Max. Marks: 70
Note: 1. Question Paper consists of two parts (Part-A and Part-B) 2. Answering the question in Part-A is Compulsory
3. Answer any FOUR Questions from Part-B
1. a) Explain the phenomenon of friction by taking an example of a block placed on a
rough surface. (2M)
b) A number of forces are acting on a body. What are the conditions of equilibrium,
so that the body is in equilibrium? (2M)
c) What is the importance of axis of symmetry in determining the centre of gravity? (2M)
d) What is the physical significance of moment of inertia? (2M)
e) What do you understand by central force motion? (2M)
f) Write the work-energy equation in case of fixed axis rotation. (2M)
g) State D`Alembert`s principle. (2M)
2. a) Show that the algebraic sum of the resolved parts of a number of forces in a given
direction is equal to the resolved part of their resultant in the same direction. (6M)
b) Determine the resultant of the force
system shown in the figure. Assume
that the coordinates of different points
are in meters.
3. a) State and prove Lami?s theorem. (6M)
b) Find the forces in all the members of the truss given in the below figure. (8M)
SET – 4

Code No: R161216
I B. Tech II Semester Regular/Supplementary Examinations, April/May – 2018
(Com. to CSE, IT, AGE)Time: 3 hours Max. Marks: 70
Note: 1. Question Paper consists of two parts (Part-A and Part-B) 2. Answering the question in Part-A is Compulsory
3. Answer any FOUR Questions from Part-B
1. a) Define coefficient of friction. How is it related to angle of friction? (2M)
b) State the necessary and sufficient conditions of equilibrium for a coplanar force
system. (2M)
c) Define the centre of gravity and centroid. (2M)
d) Explain Polar moment of Inertia. (2M)
e) Differentiate between kinematics and kinetics. (2M)
f) Define Impulse and momentum. (2M)
g) State the laws of friction. (2M)
2. a) Explain how will you reduce the system of coplanar, non-concurrent forces to a
force and a couple. (6M)
b) A uniform ladder of weight 800N and of length 7 m rests on a horizontal ground
and leans against a smooth vertical wall. The angle made by the ladder with the
horizontal is 60
. When a man of weight 600N stands on the ladder at a distance
4m from the top of the ladder, the ladder is at the point of sliding. Determine the
coefficient of friction between the ladder and the floor.
3. a) Three concurrent forces have magnitudes of 80 N, 120 N and 100 N respectively.
Determine the angles among them that will produce a state of equilibrium. (6M)
b) Determine the forces in all the members of a cantilever truss shown in the below
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Code No: R161216

4. a) State and prove Pappus theorems of area and volume. (6M)
b) Locate the Center of gravity of the area
as shown in figure with respect to
coordinate axes. All dimensions are in
mm. (8M)
5. a) State and prove transfer formula for product of inertia. (6M)
b) Find the mass moment of inertia of an aluminum pipe of 120mm outer diameter
and 90mm inner diameter and 2.5m height about its longitudinal axis. (density,
?=2560 kg/m
). (8M)
6. a) A stone, dropped from a certain height, can reach the ground in 5s. It is stopped
after 3 seconds of its fall and then allowed to fall again. Find the time taken by the
stone to reach the ground for the remaining distance. (6M)
b) A launcher fires a missile with a velocity of 60m/s at an angle with the horizontal.
If the missile lands 323m away at the same level, determine the angle of
projection. Also find the corresponding time of flight and the maximum height
attained by the missile. (8M)
7. A car weighing 15 kN is travelling
down a 12
inclined road at a speed of 4
m/s, as shown in the figure. To avoid an
accident, the driver suddenly applies
full brakes causing wheels to lock.
Determine how far the tyres skid on the
road, if the coefficient of kinetic friction
between the tyres and the road is 0.6

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SET – 1

Code No: R161216
I B. Tech II Semester Regular/Supplementary Examinations, April/May – 2018
(Com. to CSE, IT, AGE)Time: 3 hours Max. Marks: 70
Note: 1. Question Paper consists of two parts (Part-A and Part-B) 2. Answering the question in Part-A is Compulsory
3. Answer any FOUR Questions from Part-B
1. a) ?Friction is independent of the area of contact between the two surfaces.? Explain. (2M)
b) Two forces are acting on a body and the body is in equilibrium. What conditions
should be fulfilled by these two forces? (2M)
c) State Pappus theorems. (2M)
d) Explain area moment of inertia. (2M)
e) When do we call a motion as rigid-body motion? (2M)
f) State the principle of impulse-momentum. (2M)
g) Write the equilibrium equations for a concurrent force system in space. (2M)
2. a) What do you understand by the term?Couple?? Discuss the characteristics of a
couple. (6M)
b) A pull of 60 N inclined at 25
to the horizontal plane, is required just to move a
body placed on a rough horizontal plane. But the push required to move the body
is 75N. If the push is inclined at 25
to the horizontal, find the weight of the body
and coefficient of friction. (8M)
3. a) A 10 m boom supports a load of 600 kg, as shown in
the figure. The cable BC is horizontal and 10 m
long. Determine the forces in the boom and the
b) Discuss the assumptions made in the analysis of simple truss.

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Code No: R161216

4. a) Discuss the procedure to find the location of the centre of gravity of a composite
body. (6M)
b) For the I-section shown in figure, find
the moment of inertia about the
centroidal axis X-X perpendicular to the
5. a) Find moment of inertia values of circle of radius 25mm about its centroidal XX
and YY axes. (6M)
b) Find the moment of inertia of an aluminum pipe of 150mm outer diameter and
120mm inner diameter and 3.5m height about its longitudinal axis YY.(density,
?=2560 kg/m
). (8M)
6. a) An elevator is moving upwards with a constant speed of 10m/s. If a man standing
inside the elevator drops a coin from a height of 2.45m, find the time taken by the
coin to reach the floor of the elevator. (g=9.8m/s
). (6M)
b) A motor cyclist wants to jump over a
ditch as shown in figure. Find the
necessary minimum velocity at A and
also find the inclination and the
magnitude of velocity of motor cycle
just after clearing the ditch. (8M)
7. Three bodies ? a sphere, a solid cylinder
and a ring ? each having same mass and
radius are released from rest on a plane
inclined at an angle ? as shown in
figure. Determine the velocity of each
body after it has rolled down (without
slipping) the inclined plane through a
distance s, and hence find the ratio of
the three velocities. (14M)

2 of 2
SET – 2

Code No: R161216
I B. Tech II Semester Regular/Supplementary Examinations, April/May – 2018
(Com. to CSE, IT, AGE)Time: 3 hours Max. Marks: 70
Note: 1. Question Paper consists of two parts (Part-A and Part-B) 2. Answering the question in Part-A is Compulsory
3. Answer any FOUR Questions from Part-B
1. a) Define: (i) Cone of friction; (ii) Limiting friction. (2M)
b) What are the conditions of equilibrium of a system of coplanar non-parallel, non-
concurrent forces? (2M)
c) What are the conditions under which the centre of gravity of a body becomes the
same as its centroid? (2M)
d) What is the significance of polar moment of inertia? (2M)
e) State the assumptions made while studying projectile motion. (2M)
f) State the work-energy equation for translation. (2M)
g) Explain the statement, ?Two equal and opposite parallel forces produces a
couple?. (2M)
2. a) Explain the procedure to find the resultant of parallel forces. (6M)
b) Three collinear horizontal forces of magnitude 300N, 100N and 250N are acting
on rigid body. Determine the resultant of the forces when (i) All the forces are
acting in the same direction; (ii) the force 100N acts in the opposite direction. (8M)
3. a) On a ladder supported at A and B, as
shown in the figure, a vertical load W
can have any position as defined by the
distance a from the bottom. Neglecting
friction, determine the magnitude of the
reaction at B. Neglect the weight of the
b) How will you prove that a body will not be in equilibrium when the body is
subjected to two forces which are equal and opposite but are parallel?

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1 of 2

Code No: R161216
4. a) Determine the area generated by rotating a line of length `l` about x-axis from a
distance `r` using Pappus theorem. (6M)
b) For the T-section shown in figure,
determine the moment of inertia of the
section about the horizontal and vertical
axes, passing through the centre of
gravity of the section.
5. a) State and prove the parallel-axis theorem. (6M)
b) Determine moment of inertia of a steel sphere 150mm diameter with respect to
centre of gravity axes. Given density of steel as 7830 kg/m
. (8M)
6. a) Two bodies start moving in the same straight line at the same instant of time from
the same origin. The first body moves with a constant velocity of 40m/s, and the
second starts from rest with constant acceleration of 4m/s
. Find the time elapses
before the second catches the first body. Also, find the greatest distance between
them prior to it and the time at which this occurs. (7M)
b) A particle undergoing central force motion has a tangential velocity of 20m/s
while at a distance of 300m from the central point. Using the fact that the areal
velocity of the particle must be constant, find its tangential velocity when it is
400m away from central point. (7M)
7. Find the work done in moving a 20 kg
wheel by 2m up in an inclined plane with an
angle of inclination equal to 30
coefficient of friction 0.25, if a force of
400N is applied at the center of the wheel as
shown in the figure. What will be the
angular velocity of the wheel after the
wheel has travelled 4 m up the plane? Take
radius of the wheel to be 0.1 m.

2 of 2
SET – 3

Code No: R161216
I B. Tech II Semester Regular/Supplementary Examinations, April/May – 2018
(Com. to CSE, IT, AGE)Time: 3 hours Max. Marks: 70
Note: 1. Question Paper consists of two parts (Part-A and Part-B) 2. Answering the question in Part-A is Compulsory
3. Answer any FOUR Questions from Part-B
1. a) Explain the phenomenon of friction by taking an example of a block placed on a
rough surface. (2M)
b) A number of forces are acting on a body. What are the conditions of equilibrium,
so that the body is in equilibrium? (2M)
c) What is the importance of axis of symmetry in determining the centre of gravity? (2M)
d) What is the physical significance of moment of inertia? (2M)
e) What do you understand by central force motion? (2M)
f) Write the work-energy equation in case of fixed axis rotation. (2M)
g) State D`Alembert`s principle. (2M)
2. a) Show that the algebraic sum of the resolved parts of a number of forces in a given
direction is equal to the resolved part of their resultant in the same direction. (6M)
b) Determine the resultant of the force
system shown in the figure. Assume
that the coordinates of different points
are in meters.
3. a) State and prove Lami?s theorem. (6M)
b) Find the forces in all the members of the truss given in the below figure. (8M)
SET – 4

Code No: R161216

4. a) Determine the volume generated by rotating a semi-circular area of radius `r`
about a non-intersecting axis using Pappus theorem. (6M)
b) Find the centre of gravity of the L-
section shown in figure.
5. a) An isosceles triangle section ABC has a base of 100mm and 60mm height.
Determine the moment of inertia of triangle about the centroid and about base. (6M)
b) Determine moment of inertia of a cylinder shaft of 120mm diameter and 1.75m
height about the centre of gravity XX, YY, ZZ axes. (density, ?= 8000kg/m
). (8M)
6. a) A vehicle running at 36km/h on a straight road accelerates uniformly to 72km/h
over a distance of 200m. Determine the acceleration and time taken. How much
distance will be covered by the vehicle in the 5
second? (6M)
b) A solid cylinder weighing 1300N is
acted upon by a force `P` horizontally
as shown in figure. Determine the
maximum value of `P` for which there
will be rolling without slipping. (coefficient of friction, ?=0.2).
7. A bullet of 25 g mass is fired with a speed of 400 m/s. What is its kinetic energy?
If the bullet can penetrate 20 cm in a block of wood, what is the average resistance
of the wood? If the bullet were fired into a similar block of 10 cm thick wood,
what would be the exit speed? (14M)

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SET – 4 R16

Team FirstRanker.in

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Team FirstRanker.in

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