JNTU Kakinada B-Tech 3-2 RT32054 I DESIGN AND ANALYSIS OF ALGORITHMS R13 April 2018 Question Paper

Code No: RT32054 III B. Tech II Semester Regular/Supplementary Examinations, April -2018 DESIGN AND ANALYSIS OF ALGORITHMS (Common to Computer Science Engineering and Information Technology)Time: 3 hours Max. Marks: 70 Note: 1. Question Paper consists of two parts (Part-A and Part-B) 2. Answering the question in Part-A is compulsory 3. Answer any THREE Questions from …

JNTU Kakinada B-Tech 3-2 RT32052 I DATA WARE HOUSING AND MINING R13 April 2018 Question Paper

Code No: RT32052 III B. Tech II Semester Regular/Supplementary Examinations, April -2018 DATA WARE HOUSING AND MINING (Common to Computer Science Engineering and Information Technology)Time: 3 hours Max. Marks: 70 Note: 1. Question Paper consists of two parts (Part-A and Part-B) 2. Answering the question in Part-A is compulsory 3. Answer any THREE Questions from …

JNTU Kakinada B-Tech 3-2 PT32052 I DATA COMMUNICATION R13 April 2018 Question Paper

Code No: PT32052 III B. Tech II Semester (Substitute Subject) Regular/ Supply Examinations, April – 2018 DATA COMMUNICATION (Common to CSE and IT)Time: 3 hours Max. Marks: 70 Note: 1. Question Paper consists of two parts (Part-A and Part-B) 2. Answering the question in Part-A is compulsory 3. Answer any THREE Questions from Part-B ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ …

JNTU Kakinada B-Tech 3-2 RT32053 I COMPUTER NETWORKS R13 April 2018 Question Paper

Code No: RT32053 III B. Tech II Semester Regular Examinations, Feb-2018 COMPUTER NETWORKS (Common to CSE and IT)Time: 3 hours Max. Marks: 70 Note: 1. Question Paper consists of two parts (Part-A and Part-B) 2. Answering the question in Part-A is compulsory 3. Answer any THREE Questions from Part-B ***** PART ?A 1 a)Write about …

JNTU Kakinada B-Tech 3-2 RT32045A BIO-MEDICAL ENGINEERING R13 April 2018 Question Paper

III B. Tech II Semester Regular/Supplementary Examinations, April – 2018 BIO-MEDICAL ENGINEERING (ECE and EcomE)Time: 3 hours Maximum Marks: 70 Note: 1. Question Paper consists of two parts (Part-A and Part-B) 2. Answering the question in Part-A is compulsory 3. Answer any THREE Questions from Part-B ***** PART ?A 1 a) What are the basic …

JNTU Kakinada B-Tech 3-1 RT31055 I OPERATING SYSTEMS R13 April 2018 Question Paper

|”|”|||”|”’|||’| Code No: RT31055 III B. Tech I Semester Supplementary Examinations, May- 2018 OPERATING SYSTEMS (Common to Computer Science Engineering and Information Technology)Time: 3 hours Max. Marks: 70 Note: 1. Question Paper consists of two parts (Part-A and Part-B) 2. Answering the question in Part-A is compulsory 3. Answer any THREE Questions from Part-B ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ …

JNTU Kakinada B-Tech 3-1 RT31054 I DATABASE MANAGEMENT SYSTEMS R13 April 2018 Question Paper

|”|”|||”|”’|||’| Code No: RT31054 III B. Tech I Semester Supplementary Examinations, May- 2018 DATABASE MANAGEMENT SYSTEMS (Common to Computer Science Engineering and Information Technology)Time: 3 hours Max. Marks: 70 Note: 1. Question Paper consists of two parts (Part-A and Part-B)2. Answering the question in Part-A is compulsory 3. Answer any THREE Questions from Part-B ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ …

JNTU Kakinada B-Tech 3-1 RT31053 I PRINCIPLES OF PROGRAMMING LANGUAGES R13 April 2018 Question Paper

|”|”|||”|”’|||’| Code No: RT31053 III B. Tech I Semester Supplementary Examinations, May – 2018 PRINCIPLES OF PROGRAMMING LANGUAGES (Computer Science and Engineering)Time: 3 hours Max. Marks: 70 Note: 1. Question Paper consists of two parts (Part-A and Part-B) 2. Answering the question in Part-A is compulsory 3. Answer any THREE Questions from Part-B ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ PART …

JNTU Kakinada B-Tech 3-1 RT31052 I DATA COMMUNICATION R13 April 2018 Question Paper

|”|”|||”|”’|||’| Code No: RT31052 III B. Tech I Semester Supplementary Examinations, May- 2018 DATA COMMUNICATION (Common to Computer Science Engineering and Information Technology)Time: 3 hours Max. Marks: 70 Note: 1. Question Paper consists of two parts (Part-A and Part-B)2. Answering the question in Part-A is compulsory 3. Answer any THREE Questions from Part-B ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ PART …

JNTU Kakinada B-Tech 3-1 RT31051 I COMPILER DESIGN R13 April 2018 Question Paper

|”|”|||”|”’|||’| Code No: RT31051 III B. Tech I Semester Supplementary Examinations, May – 2018 COMPILER DESIGN (Computer Science and Engineering)Time: 3 hours Max. Marks: 70 Note: 1. Question Paper consists of two parts (Part-A and Part-B) 2. Answering the question in Part-A is compulsory 3. Answer any THREE Questions from Part-B ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ PART ?A 1 …