KUHS First Professional MBBS Degree Examination 101001 August 2013 ANATOMYPAPER I Question Paper

101001 August 2013 ANATOMYPAPER I Q.P. Code: 101001 Reg. no.: ??????? First Professional MBBS Degree Examinations, August 2013 ANATOMY- PAPER I Time: 3 Hours Total Marks: 50 ? Answer all questions ? Draw diagrams wherever necessary Long essay (10)1. A 52 year old man presented with shortness of breath and coughing up small volumes of …

KUHS First Professional MBBS Degree Examination 1401 March 2012 PHYSIOLOGYPAPER II Question Paper

1401 March 2012 PHYSIOLOGYPAPER II Q.P. Code: 1401 Reg. no.: ………………… First Professional MBBS Degree Supplementary Examinations, March 2012 PHYSIOLOGY- PAPER II Time: 3 Hours Total Marks: 50 ? Answer all questions ? Draw Diagrams wherever necessary Long Essay: (10)1. A patient developed carpopedal spasm after thyroid surgery. During examination, tapping over the facial nerve …

KUHS First Professional MBBS Degree Examination 1301 March 2012 PHYSIOLOGYPAPER I Question Paper

1301 March 2012 PHYSIOLOGYPAPER I Code: 1301 Reg. no.: ……………….. . First Professional MBBS Degree Supplementary Examinations, March 2012 PHYSIOLOGY- PAPER I Time: 3 Hours Total Marks: 50 ? Answer all questions ? Draw Diagrams wherever necessary Long Essay: (10)1. A 50 year old male come with complaints of difficulty in breathing. Auscultation revealed the …

KUHS First Professional MBBS Degree Examination 1601 March 2012 BIOCHEMISTRYPAPER II Question Paper

1601 March 2012 BIOCHEMISTRYPAPER II Q.P.Code 1601 Reg. No.:……………….. . First Professional MBBS Degree Supplementary Examinations – March 2012 BIOCHEMISTRY- PAPER II Time: 3 hrs Max marks : 50 ? Answer all questions ? Draw diagrams wherever necessary Essay (10)1. Describe about sources , RDA, biochemical functions and deficiency manifestations of vitamin A. (1+1+6+2=10)Discuss the …

KUHS First Professional MBBS Degree Examination 1501 March 2012 BIOCHEMISTRYPAPER I Question Paper

1501 March 2012 BIOCHEMISTRYPAPER I Q.P. Code: 1501 Reg. no.: ……………….. . First Professional MBBS Degree Supplementary Examinations, March 2012 BIOCHEMISTRY- PAPER I Time: 3 Hours Total Marks: 50 ? Answer all questions ? Draw diagrams wherever necessary Essay (10)t: Define Kreb’s cycle. Describe the reactions of Kreb’s cycle. Add a note on its energetics …

KUHS First Professional MBBS Degree Examination 1201 March 2012 ANATOMYPAPER II Question Paper

1201 March 2012 ANATOMYPAPER II Q.P. Code: 1201 Reg. no.: ………………. .. First Professional MBBS Degree Supplementary Examinations, March 2012 ANATOMY- PAPER II Time: 3 Hours Total Marks: 50 ? Answer all questions ? Draw diagrams wherever necessary Long Essay (10)1. A 65-year old man came to the hospital with difficulty in passing urine and …

KUHS First Professional MBBS Degree Examination 1101 March 20 12 ANATOMYPAPER I Question Paper

1101 March 20 12 ANATOMYPAPER I -; Q.P. Code: 1101 Reg. no.: ………………… First Professional MBBS Degree Supplementary Examinations, March 20 12 ANATOMY- PAPER I Time: 3 Hours Total Marks: 50 ? Answer all questions ? Draw diagrams wherever necessary Long Essay (10)1. A 60 year s old man while rushing to catch a train …

KUHS First Professional MBBS Degree Examination :104001 August 2012 Physiology – Paper II Question Paper

:104001 August 2012 Physiology – Paper II Q.P.Code:104001 Reg. no.: ………………… First Professional MBBS Degree Examinations, August 2012 Physiology – Paper II Time: 3 Hours Total Marks: 50 • Answer all questions • Draw diagrams wherever necessary Long essay: (10)1. A 30 years old female visits a clinic with the complains of weight gain, hoarseness …

KUHS First Professional MBBS Degree Examination 103001 August 2012 PHYSIOLOGY – Paper I Question Paper

103001 August 2012 PHYSIOLOGY – Paper I Code: 103001 Reg. no.: ………………… First Professional MBBS Degree Examinations, August 2012 PHYSIOLOGY – Paper I Time: 3 Hours Total Marks: 50 • Answer all questions • Draw Diagrams wherever necessary Long essay (10)1. A 60year old man presented with acute retro sternal chest pain radiating to the …

KUHS First Professional MBBS Degree Examination 105001 August 2012 BIOCHEMISTRYPAPER I Question Paper

105001 August 2012 BIOCHEMISTRYPAPER I Code: 105001 Reg. no.: ??????? First Professional MBBS Degree Examinations, August 2012 BIOCHEMISTRY- PAPER I Time: 3 Hours Total Marks: 50 ? Answer all questions ? Draw diagrams wherever necessary Essay (10) 1. Mention the reactions by which glycine is synthesized and catabolized. Add a note on the specialized products …